Pre-Marital Counseling

Change the view of the relationship – During the therapeutic process, the counselor helps each partner examine the relationship in a more objective manner and assists the couple in learning how to perceive their interactions in a positive light.

Decrease emotional isolation and avoidance – Many people have difficulty expressing their feelings, so some partners simply avoid doing so. This type of isolation almost always leads to serious problems in the relationship. A premarital therapist assists the couple in learning how to express their feelings in a way that draws them together rather than further apart.

Pregnancy is often regarded with excitement, but no matter how eagerly a child's birth is anticipated, stress and other forms of emotional distress are still likely to occur during the challenging period of pregnancy. Pregnancy issues may be mild or serious, but they can affect the health of the mother or child, put strain on a romantic partnership, and lead to life changes, both predicted and unpredictable.

For Consultation & Treatment (By Appointment / or Online). Contact Us: +91 9689908341

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