Male Infertility Treatment

As recently as a decade ago, treatments for Male Infertility were limited to insemination or IVF using donated sperm. Today, we have a plethora of options to help you overcome your infertility and create a biological child with your partner. We offers the gamut of treatments to deal with Male Infertility, which could involve medication therapy, surgical procedures and assisted reproductive techniques.

During the initial consult, both partners will be evaluated for infertility problems. The doctor will ask the patient about any symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. During the physical exam, the doctor will look for varicoceles and any abnormalities that might cause infertility. Basic urine and blood tests will be performed.


Some men are born with testicles that do not make any sperm or they make very few sperm. Some are born without testes or without a vas deferens. The most common reason for male infertility is a problem with sperm, due to an unknown cause. The sperm may be reduced in number, less mobile (less able to swim forwards), and/or be abnormal in their form.

There are a variety of factors that may affect sperm production and male infertility. These include:

> Current or past infection of the testes (eg, mumps).
> Tumors of the testes.Testes that have failed to descend properly.
> Side-effects of some medicines like sulfasalazine, nitrofurantoin, tetracyclines, cimetidine, colchicine, allopurinol, some chemotherapy drugs, cannabis, cocaine and anabolic steroids.
> There may be an association between an increased scrotal temperature and reduced semen quality, however it is still uncertain whether wearing loose-fitting underwear actually improves fertility.
> A varicocele is like a varicose vein in the scrotum (the skin that covers the testes).
> Varicoceles are found in just over 1 in 10 men with normal sperm and 1 in 4 men with abnormal sperm.Certain hormone problems (eg, problems with the pituitary gland in the brain leading to Cushing's disease or hyperprolactinaemia.

For Consultation & Treatment (By Appointment / or Online). Contact Us: +91 9689908341

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