What is the percentage of success with each treatment cycle?

The possibilities of success with an IVF treatment vary from patient to patient. Your physician can best predict the outcome in your case after a complete evaluation. This includes reviewing your history and prior responses to fertility medications, a thorough physical examination and drawing up a plan to prepare for your treatment. All IVF treatment programs are required to report their statistics to the Center for Disease Control and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). These statistics are available for public review.

What are the side effects of the medications I will be taking?

Can I travel during my IVF treatment?

No. It is imperative that during the monitoring phase of your treatment cycle you are available for multiple appointments to assess the growth of your follicles. Our nursing staff can work with your schedule at one of our Dr. Rapol Women's Clinic.

Is the egg retrieval process painful?

No, not generally. It lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes, and IV sedation is administered so that you will not be awake during the process. Some patients have mild cramping after the procedure and are discharged with a prescription for pain medication.

Can IVF treatment be cancelled in between?

In rare cases the treatment is cancelled after confirmation with patient due to various issues such as:
1. Insufficient production of follicles
2. Early ovulation
3. Several follicles are developed, pausing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome risk.
Your specialists may also suggest changing medicines to accelerate enhanced performance while the new IVF procedures. Or accepting an egg donor may be suggested.

What is reproductive surgery?

Reproductive surgery is a subspecialty that treats anatomical abnormalities interfering with normal reproductive function. Advanced reproductive surgery requires meticulous surgical technique for optimal results, including rapid patient recovery and avoiding the need for routine hospitalization. Reproductive surgeons treat tubal obstruction, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, scarring of the ovaries or other pelvic structures resulting from pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the female, and varicocele and vas obstruction in the male as well as other abnormalities.

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