Tubal Blockage Treatment

Around 20% of female infertility is related to tubal causes. Distal tubal occlusion (which affects the end in the direction of the ovary) is often linked to hydrosalpinx creation and also frequently brought on by Chlamydia trachomatis. Pelvic adhesions might be connected with this kind of infection. In significantly less severe types, the fimbriae might be agglutinated and also harmed, yet some patency can still be conserved. The mid-segment tubal blockage could be on account of tubal ligation processes since that portion of the tube is a standard objective of sterilization interventions. Proximal tubal occlusion can happen after contamination like an infected abortion.

Most women with tubal infertility are asymptomatic. Often they don’t realize their fallopian tubes are blocked until they consult a doctor for infertility, though women with extensive tubal damage may experience chronic pelvic pain.

How is tubal factor infertility treated?

If your tubes are found to be blocked, scarred, or damaged, your treatment options include in vitro fertilization (IVF) or surgery.

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): Although some tubal problems are correctable with surgery, women with severely damaged tubes have such poor chances of achieving pregnancy naturally that IVF offers them the best option for a successful pregnancy. Because very badly damaged tubes may fill with fluid (hydrosalpinx) and lower IVF success rates, your physician may recommend removal of damaged tubes prior to IVF.

  • Surgery: If your tubes are not badly damaged, surgery might help you get pregnant naturally. Your chance of conceiving after surgery is better if you are young, having minimal amount of scar tissue blocking the tubes, and if your male partner has healthy sperm. The biggest risk after tubal surgery is the possible development of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious health problem that is more likely to occur after tubal surgery or tubal disease. If you have had tubal surgery or tubal disease, you should tell your doctor as soon as you think you are pregnant or have missed your period.

For Consultation & Treatment (By Appointment / or Online). Contact Us: +91 9689908341

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